Coach Erica

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Precision Nutrition Coach

I am a wife, and mother of two. I enjoy being outdoors doing family things, keeping my kids active in sports and obviously love hitting the gym. 

Like many people, I lived a "yoyo diet" lifestyle for years. I tried the "magic pills", the teas, even limited calorie intake to ridiculously low levels. Of course, every one of my efforts were short lived, and the weight came right back and I felt miserable. Feeling defeated so many times, I was getting into the mindset of "being fit and healthy just isn't for me". I started to believe that my body just wasn't meant to look any different and that I should just give up. Thankfully, I gave it one more shot. 

 My journey at Liberation began approximately one month after their doors opened in 2017, and I have not looked back. I never would have dreamed that I could completely transform my mindset or my body in the ways that I have. Shortly after joining Liberation I became pregnant with my second child and was determined to stay on track and keep my body moving. I had my daughter 5 days after my last WOD. Almost four years later, I have competed in 6 partner competitions, received my Crossfit Level 1 Certification, and have continued fueling my fire for learning more about fitness and nutrition not only to help myself, but others.I know how it feels to be uncomfortable in my own body, as well as how hard it is to step outside of my comfort zone. I now know that taking a leap of faith and doing something that is scary can also have big rewards. This is one of the things I love most about coaching. I can relate to those fears, and I have a passion to help members get out of their "safe zone" and push through to become what they thought was impossible. My favorite moments as a coach is seeing someone conquer a fear, or push themselves to do more than they thought they were capable of.